Small Business
Small businesses are at the core of our nation's economic success and in order for small businesses to succeed, they must have a fair regulatory environment. As a small business, Miller/Wenhold understands this cardinal truth. Our staff has the unparalleled ability to ensure your concerns are addressed by leaders on Capitol Hill.
Whether your issues relate to government contracting, procurement reform, tax policy or simply general small business advocacy, Miller/Wenhold Capitol Strategies can promote your interests to key decision-makers on your behalf.
Our team has extensive experience working with the Small Business Administration (SBA) as well as with the House and Senate Small Business Committees pursuing reforms to benefit our small business clients. Those relationships have helped us succeed in ensuring our small businesses achieve the results they expect and deserve.
A leader in the area of working with small businesses, the Miller/Wenhold team believes every small business deserves to be heard in Washington. We believe small businesses are the drivers in our economy and we work very hard to ensure they have a seat at the policy-making table.
Our experienced team has worked with small businesses all across the country on issue ranging from how the government buys office products, to helping protect small businesses against higher taxes, to working with small business on access to quality affordable healthcare options.
Miller/Wenhold is a leader when it comes to protecting and fighting for small businesses. Our track record speaks for itself. If small businesses are going to continue to drive our economy they need an active voice making sure their message is being heard. At Miller/Wenhold we work every day making sure the voices of every small business can be heard.