At Miller/Wenhold, we understand the complex and demanding field of budget and appropriations advocacy. The Miller/Wenhold team is well respected in the halls of Congress for our expertise in the authorization and appropriation processes. Our firm has the depth of technical knowledge, experience, and creativity to create realistic funding opportunities for our clients.
Our team has successfully advocated for tens of millions of dollars of appropriated funds for our clients, as well as creating authorization opportunities that total much more. Although the appropriations and authorization processes are arcane and complex, Miller/Wenhold has the experience to navigate these difficult waters in an open and transparent manner. Our advocacy style benefits both the government and our clients' needs and well-defined objectives.
We believe that government should have a strong role in supporting well-thought-out projects developed by universities, municipalities, nonprofits, foundations, hospitals, and corporations, which benefit the public interest. Miller/Wenhold believes that our clients' projects help build a better future for America and provide a great return on investment for the government funding they receive.
Competing for funds in the current political environment is challenging, but with the proper team on your side, everything is possible!