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Association & Non-Profits

Association and nonprofit advocacy is a critical component to our portfolio. Oftentimes, these two groups find it difficult to compete with corporate America for the attention of key decision-makers. At Miller/Wenhold, we believe that the association and nonprofit issues should be front and foremost in the minds of legislators and the regulatory agencies. These two groups often represent Main Street issues that affect a large population of the American workforce.

Miller/Wenhold takes great pride in our work for charitable nonprofits and associations of all sizes. We have been very successful in creating innovative advocacy plans for these groups that resonate on Capitol Hill. Our goal when working with these clients is always to create brand name recognition in the minds of key decision-makers when it comes to a pertinent issue where these two groups become the subject matter experts.

Associations and nonprofits provide valuable information to Capitol Hill and the agencies, and we believe that it is our job to ensure that their voices are heard. Miller/Wenhold is the company that many associations and nonprofits turn to for message management, creative solutions, and real impact on Capitol Hill.

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