Capitol PurSuit Drive
In 2003, Dave Wenhold, CAE, PLC created this unique clothing drive as a way that Washington, a city full of suits, could give back to Americans who are in need of the proper attire and in doing so addressed the unemployment and job situation in our country. This is our opportunity to help Americans get back to work! Specifically, assisting those citizens that cannot afford proper business and interview attire by literally giving them the suit of your back.
Affording proper interview and working attire is a huge obstacle for low-income adults and our at-risk youth. This need has inspired the annual Capitol PurSuit Drive: Get America Back to Work! Each year, Members of Congress and their staffs partner with the American League of Lobbyists and Men's Wearhouse to host a business clothing drive that makes an immediate difference in people's lives. Lobbying firms, associations, D.C. companies, Members of Congress and their staffs all chip in and "give the suit off their racks."
To date, we have collected over 51,000 pieces of business attire, estimated at over $2.1 million in value, that has gone directly to people in need. "We don't give a hand out; we give them a hand up and a second chance."
The firm is active in community outreach activities and supports many worthwhile programs, like the annual American League of Lobbyists' Capitol PurSuit Clothing Drive, which helps Americans in need get appropriate work attire to get back into the workforce.
Dave Wenhold created this concept in 2003 and worked with Members of Congress and their staff, in conjunction with fellow lobbyists, associations and corporations to donate business attire to fellow Americans trying to re-enter the workforce.
For one day each year, Members, lobbyists and the DC business community come to the Hill and donate "the suit off their rack". This is the largest clothing drive Capitol Hill has ever seen and in five years we have succeeded in collecting over 51,000 men's and women's business suits to help get Americans back to work. The suits are donated to national and local charities that specialize in assisting people re-entering the workforce.
In 2005, Dave Wenhold was awarded the President's Call to Service award. This is the country's highest award for volunteerism in America. He earned this for creating the program and donating thousands of hours of his own time to help fellow Americans get back to work. He was the first lobbyist ever to receive this award for volunteerism.
If you would like to help make this event even better, please contact Dave Wenhold at